About this product
Orthopedic Conditions
Is a multidisciplinary, peer reviewed text, written for physical medicine clinicians by physical medicine clinicians. You are learning from the best with centuries of combined real world experiences and evidence-based content. This text bridges the gap between academics to advanced clinical application and critical thinking.
Orthopedic Conditions integrates body wide common conditions and multidisciplinary treatment options including demographics and assessment, massage, mobilizations, electrotherapy, acupuncture, diet and botanicals, medications, surgery, rehabilitation, prevention, prognosis and clinic forms. In addition, this text is a valuable study guide for students and practitioners preparing for OSCE exams, Provincial Board Exams, State Board Exams, and National Clinical Skills Examinations. Use it in the classroom and in practice:
Orthopedic Assessment
Is a quick reference guide developed for students, instructors, and healthcare providers. Use the Orthopedic Assessment textbook in the classroom and clinic for patient education.
‘Don’t guess, assess.” — Every therapist and doctor should own evidence-informed Orthopedic Assessment.
Muscle Manual
is a definitive resources for students and practitioners, used as a required text for many colleges and universities. The Muscle Manual offers 608 full colour pages of evidence based, easily accessible information on topics of: Muscle Testing, Functional Anatomy, Palpation, Posture, Gait, Strengthen Exercises, Kinesiology, ROM, Goniometry, Anatomical Variation, Case studies, Critical Thinking and much more. Use the Muscle Manual in the classroom and clinic for patient education.
The Muscle Manual is a valuable study guide for students, therapists and doctors preparing for board exams, oral practical exams, objective structured clinical examinations (OSCE) and many other licensure examinations. This text bridges the gap between classroom education and practical clinical application.
Product details
Orthopedic Conditions (2021)
Author: Dr. Nikita A. Vizniak
Pages: 627
Edition: 5th (2021)
Language: English
ISBN: 978-1-9893921-8-8
Publisher: Prohealthsys
Weight: 1.2 kg
Orthopedic Assessment (2021)
Author: Dr. Nikita A. Vizniak
Pages: 540
Edition: 7th (2021)
Language: English
ISBN: 978-1-989392-09-6
Publisher: Prohealthsys
Weight: 0.8 kg
Muscle Manual (2021)
Author: Dr. Nikita A. Vizniak
Pages: 608
Edition: 5th (2021)
Language: English
ISBN: 978-1-989392-19-5
Publisher: Prohealthsys
Weight: 1.3 kg
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